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Me llamo Adrian Kirchnitz, tengo 24 años, soy uruguayo y me encuentro viajando por el mundo, hace 5 años comencé a viajar y desde entonces no pude parar! En este momento me encuentro en Nueva Zelanda y decidí abrir este canal para poder seguir compartiendo los paisajes hermosos que se encuentran en cada rinconcito del mundo
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Kia Ora (Hello), Welcome to our travel stories hub, we are super happy you are here! We capture our travel adventures for anyone who wants to get intrepid or just inspired! We are two kiwis from the bottom of the earth, Aotearoa New Zealand. We go by the names of Reti & Bianca. For 10 years strong we have been travel buddies and partners in life! We live to travel and love to create. Reti being a musician and music producer composes original music for all our vlogs. We usually like to get off the beaten path and discovering culture and food are our top priorities when adventuring around the globe. If you want to keep up with our travel adventures, tips and hacks you can follow us on Youtube and our travel blog. BLOG: If you like our music, you can support this channel and download the tracks here: ka kite ano (see you again) The Native Travellers
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Welcome to Shyam & Donna Travel and Food Videos! We are fun-loving people with a passion to travel around the world and try the local cuisines. We are an Indian couple settled in New Zealand, the land of the long white cloud. We love travelling and enjoy each moment of it and would like to share the story with you guys. You could find the travel tips, guides, the best places to visit, the best food to try, and many more from our channel. Our goal is to inspire you guys to travel more and to try the local cuisine where ever you go. Enjoy your life and Have fun! Never stop exploring! Subscribe us for more travel-food videos.
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Morocco? Pakistan? Bangladesh? Saudi Arabia with kids? We're a family from New Zealand with a love of travel and adventure together - especially where it takes us off the beaten track... We left home four years ago to travel the world full-time. We backpacked all over Asia and the Middle East before settling during the pandemic on the beautiful tropical island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. Our recent adventures have taken us through Morocco, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria! Currently exploring Europe and North-West Africa. Check out our website and YouTube videos where we share tips, tricks and all kinds of unique destinations and info!
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Hey! I'm Hayley, a 24 year old Traveller from New Zealand! Travel in Your Twenties is all about my decision to spend my twenties travelling (obvi ha) because I wanted to experience different cultures, see the world for myself and enjoy my life! My Youtube channel features videos of me talking about trips and tricks I have learnt over the years, hopefully inspiring some of you to book that ticket and EXPLORE! If you want to get in contact with me, please send me an email at or slide into my DMS on insta (@travelinyourtwenties). Hayley xx
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TheRapPackersTips es un canal de YouTube que ofrece una variedad de contenido para ayudarte a planificar tu próximo viaje a Nueva Zelanda, obtener información sobre visados de estudio y trabajo, y conocer acerca de los seguros de viaje necesarios. Además, también te brinda tutoriales y ejercicios para aprender a tocar la armónica. En resumen, es una guía completa para todo lo relacionado con viajar y vivir en Nueva Zelanda y aprender un nuevo instrumento. Sigue al canal para aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia en Nueva Zelanda y mejorar tus habilidades musicales. #viajesanuevazelanda #consejosdevisas #armonicaparaprincipiantes #aventurasalairelibre #segurosdeviaje #trucosdeviaje #vidaenNuevaZelanda #experienciasdeviaje #consejosdeviaje