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Kasia, lakieroholiczka ;) W filmikach będę prezentowała proste i mało skomplikowane, ale efektowne zdobienia paznokci wykonane pędzlami do zdobień oraz przedmiotami codziennego użytku, które każda z nas ma w swoim domu :) Zainteresowana? Subskrybuj mój kanał :)
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Indigo Nails to Polska marka kosmetyczna specjalizująca się w dziedzinie stylizacji paznokci oraz kosmetyków SPA. Jesteśmy dostępni w 24 krajach świata na terenie 4 kontynentów. Na naszym kanale zapoznasz się z najnowszymi rozwiązaniami w branży. Subskrybuj i oglądaj najlepsze Nail Tutorials! W celu nawiązania współpracy z naszą marką prosimy o kontakt : ____________________________________________________ Indigo Nails is Polish cosmetic brand known as a specialist in nail stylization and SPA cosmetics field. We're available in 24 countries all over the world, on 4 continents. Thanks to our Youtube canal you can get familiar with the newest solutions of this cosmetic branch. If you would like to work with us, please contact: [email protected]Indigo Nails to Polska marka kosmetyczna specjalizująca się w dziedzinie stylizacji paznokci oraz kosmetyków SPA. Jesteśmy dostępni w 24 krajach świata na terenie 4 kontynentów. Na naszym kanale zapoznasz się z najnowszymi rozwiązaniami w branży. Subskrybuj i oglądaj najlepsze Nail Tutorials! W celu nawiązania współpracy z naszą marką prosimy o kontakt : ____________________________________________________ Indigo Nails is Polish cosmetic brand known as a specialist in nail stylization and SPA cosmetics field. We're available in 24 countries all over the world, on 4 continents. Thanks to our Youtube canal you can get familiar with the newest solutions of this cosmetic branch. If you would like to work with us, please contact:
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🦋💜🦋 Hi friends, welcome to my channel. My name is Julia Ezeji, I love looking good and also love healthy lifestyle!🦋 In my channel, I do a whole lots of beauty stuff ranging from beauty diy, life styles and I also display; - African braids and hairstyles -Natural and relaxed hair care -Best haircare products reviews -Cream reviews and recommendations etc If you are a stylist and want me to showcase your styles for FREE! send email: Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, LIKE & SHARE my videos. Thank you. 🦋💜🦋
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MesiaszCiszy Nail Art - Mesi Nail Art Gdy paznokieć staje się płótnem :) *If you love original nail art Subscribe* *Mesi Nail Art* ○'ω'○ Hello i started painting on fake nails (20 may 2011) ^_^ I am self-taught and I'm still learning hope you like it ♡ xoxo My name is Karolina and im from Poland - Sosnowiec i love kawaii cute animals, manga &anime ,makeup ,painting , my fiance and Nail art n◡n if you like orginal nails desing - subscribe ;)share with you my passion XOXO Mesi nail art MesiaszCiszy
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INGLOT is one of the world's leading manufacturers of color cosmetics, which is present in the beauty industry in so many ways. The characteristic logo of the Polish brand can be found in the most prestigious galleries and shopping centers around the world, but not only. INGLOT also means: Broadway musicals, TV productions and Fashion Week in the world's fashion capitals. On this channel we will show you our world full of colors and inspiration! Subscribe to stay up to date 💄
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“To make all marine aquariums healthy, thriving and their owners feel proud.” Aquafortest is a well-recognized company manufacturing supplements and products for reef aquariums. We share the passion for beautiful corals and marine tanks with our customers. By watching our channel, you admire amazingly gorgeous marine aquariums and get unique know-how, thanks to which you can run your reef tank succesfully. Discover videos and tutorials of Aquaforest and enjoy exclusive content!