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Femmes Business Investissement est une plate-forme de partage entre les femmes de tout horizon qui s’intéressent aux affaires, business et investissements. Nous organisons la vente en ligne sur la niche de la beauté féminine. Nous ventons des vêtements (de la taille 38 à 50), chaussures de la taille 36 à 46) et des sacs de marques et sans marques. Tous nos articles sont d'origine de la Turquie) #développement personnel #femmes d’affaires #business #parlons de business #Investissements #femmes d’influence #femmes leaders #femmes fortes #Femmes Entrepreneuses #l'intelligence financière #gestion des finances personnelles #intelligence financière #gestion de budget #rapport à l'argent #s'épanouir financièrement #femmes business #femmes investissements #L’intelligence financière #gestion des finances personnelles #intelligence financière #gestion de budget #rapport à l'argent #s'épanouir financièrement #femmes business #femmes business et investissements
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I’m passionate about startups. Having founded my first company at age 14, I’ve built various tech companies, invested in ten and currently work on a productivity startup, a computer vision company and a crypto currency. To spend as much time as possible with my companies, which are spread across two continents, I gave up on having an apartment in 2016 and have since lived out of a backpack. I write and vlog about various areas of my life and how I constantly strive for improvement. I travel all the time, own only 64 things — all of which are black — and last year I spent an average of 3.7 days in the same location.
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Mi nombre es Piero Badano, tengo 25 años, soy diplomado en Diseño Web y hace 8 años comencé con el emprendimiento en linea. Siempre tuve en claro no ir detràs del dinero, sino detràs de un sueño : SER LIBRE. Por ello es que comencè a ser mi propio jefe trabajando de manera particular creando sitios web, donde dedicaba horas y horas hasta lograr buenos resultados. También me dediqué al Marketing Multinivel, donde realizaba videos por youtube y ahi fue donde descubri el potencial de los negocios en linea.Me interesé en el Ecommerce (comercio en linea ) y con mucho sacrificio y dedicacion logré tener una excelente experiencia laboral y generar ingresos mensuales con los que puedo tener una muy buena calidad de vida. Por eso es que el objetivo de hacer este canal es ayudarlos a que conozcan de este negocio y comprueben por ustedes mismos que verdaderamente funciona y pueden lograr su libertad fiananciera y ser dueños de sus propios negocios. Los espero !!!
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ITC's Trade and Market Intelligence section (TMI) has the pleasure to offer interactive 'distance-learning' materials to users of its Market Analysis Tools. Materials currently available to help users are in the form of videos/screencasts. These have been developed to help our worldwide users become more efficient with the tools and discover our main areas of expertise. Watch the tutorial videos for 5 of our available market analysis tools: Trade Map, NEW Market Access Map (MAcMap), Standards Map, Export Potential Map and our new Rules of Origin Facilitator. Moreover, we add new short videos with interesting trade facts and anecdotes on a weekly basis. Stay tuned!
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Swisscontact – Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation – is a leading partner organisation for the implementation of international development projects. Since 1959, we promote inclusive economic, social and ecological development to make an effective contribution towards sustainable and widespread prosperity in developing and emerging economies. SKILLS, LABOUR MARKET INTEGRATION AND MIGRATION We strengthen people’s skills and employability through which they can secure their livelihoods and actively participate in society and economy. INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT We support national, regional and local economic development, agricultural development, tourism services, trade facilitation, and the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems. CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD SYSTEMS We provide customised support to interventions aiming at promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation capabilities, green skills, circular and low carbon economy transition.
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Our mission is to become the leading operator of sustainably managed forestry and agricultural plantations, from project evaluation through to plantation management and forestry product distribution. We believe corporate responsibility is not just about securing profit for shareholders and investors, but also to contribute positively to society and the environment.
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Hello! My name is Tatiana and I work as a Social Media Manager. I help small business to grow with the help of social media. This channel was created to share the knowledge and experience I have to reach various goals for small businesses on social media platforms. Follow me on Instagram (I share on daily basis tips and tricks to grow your account organically): Find me on Linkedin:
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En El Productivista hablamos sobre productividad, tecnología y negocios digitales. ✅ Organiza mejor tu tiempo aprendiendo sobre las últimas herramientas y metodologías de productividad. ✅ Infórmate sobre las nuevas tecnologías y su impacto en nuestro trabajo. ✅ Aprende cómo crear un negocio y emprender desde cero con herramientas digitales en esta nueva economía. Cada semana reviso decenas de nuevas aplicaciones y tecnología relacionada con hacer mejor nuestro trabajo. Toda la información que voy recopilando la voy compilando en mi newsletter Cortos de Productividad. Regístrate aquí a los Cortos de Productividad 📩 Y para noticias y novedades en formato de videos cortos, puedes visitar nuestro canal exclusivo de SHORTS de productividad ▶️
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Offical Youtube channel for Business & Hotel Management School in Switzerland BHMS Business & Hotel Management School located in Luzern is a member of the leading Bénédict Switzerland chain of schools. Benedict International Schools The chain has grown into a world-renown learning organisation, with specialisation in business and hotel management being offered exclusively at BHMS in Luzern. Here, a selected group of approximately 200 students have the opportunity to prepare themselves for the hospitality opportunities available in the world's fastest growing market and career segment - the Service Sector. We offer a range of quality training programs for our Swiss, EU and international students. We pride ourselves international post graduate placements for our students and we view this as a measure of our success.