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practical approach to kid's different problems.. odia baby food food eating baby eating foodf babyfoodtips childcare daycare children preschool kids education earlylearning childcareprovider earlychildhoodeducation parenting learningthroughplay parents earlychildhood babycare newborn babyshop babyproducts babygirl motherhood babylove babyspa babyboy babymassage momlife babyshower babyessentials babycareproducts babycareset momcare pregnancy babycaretips newmom breastfeeding babyclothes babyfood cutebaby baby bath baby bathing obesity
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Real Families features documentaries and TV series about modern family life, with the challenges and successes that all moms and dads experience at some point. Our stories are seen through the eyes of parents and children, and sometimes with guidance and advice from parenting experts. More than being a spectator, the viewer dives into people’s lives and stories to discover the journeys of families becoming … Real Families. Real Families is part of the Little Dot Studios Network. To get in touch please email .
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Smart Parenting is the Filipino parent's brand of choice for empowering content and relevant solutions for building happy and healthy families. We're here to help you, Filipino moms and dads navigate every stage of your parenting journey, from pregnancy, to taking care of a baby, raising a toddler, keeping up with a preschooler, and parenting your big kid, tween or teen. Through the years, we’ve covered a breadth of topics that have evolved with our audiences. While parenting remains the foundation of our content, we have also covered everything that enables every parent to be better parents – from health, home, money, and more! Our goal is to build happy and healthy Filipino families, covering not just the kids, but even the parents' physical, emotional, mental, and financial health and wellness.
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Welcome to my channel, where I share the day-to-day adventures of a stay-at-home mom with four kids, several businesses, and a husband who is a war combat veteran and drives 18-wheelers. My content is all about providing inspiration, motivation, and practical tips for other moms who are looking to juggle it all. From managing a household to running multiple businesses, I know firsthand the challenges that come with being a busy mompreneur. Through my videos, I share our experiences, struggles, and successes, offering helpful advice and tips along the way. With a focus on family, entrepreneurship, and life on the road, my channel covers a wide range of topics, including parenting, marriage, business management, time management, and more. Whether you're a fellow stay-at-home mom, an entrepreneur, or just someone looking for some inspiration, I have something for you. So if you're ready to join us on this journey of balancing family, business, and everything .
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This Channel is designed to change the way you, a first-time expectant parent, will receive and take care of your newborn baby. Knowing how to change a diaper, swaddle, and burp your newborn (and more) BEFORE your baby is born, is the new and easy way to learn newborn care. This Channel and I will guide you step-by-step through nine (9) essential newborn care skills you can easily master to take care of your newborn baby with confidence. As a nurse working many years in newborn care I witnessed this new-parent fear firsthand when handing newborn babies to moms and dads. Hands would fly up automatically, palms forward, to block receiving their newborn. My heart would break every time, knowing how much joy they were missing. That’s when I vowed to change how we prepare you to care for your newborn. Use this Channel to become an extraordinary parent who is confident on Day 1, and truly enjoy your newborn baby! Be confident, be extraordinary, receive the joy. Subscribe and learn!
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Young expecting parents need lot’s of guidance today, especially with the growth of technology assisted procedures and products. The Expecting Parents & Baby Expo is an interactive, fun-filled day for parents & children. Learn from expert educators, join in activities for mom/dad & baby, and discover the latest best products and services for parents, newborns and young children; and leave with loads of GOODIES! Attendees will participate in workshops, view demonstrations, enjoy performances, and learn about the latest best products and services for their newborns and young children. Experts will present information and will be on hand to discuss issues one on one with expecting and new parents…even grandparents. We have used our location to house most of our Videos, but now as we get ready to launch a full series of content Videos Featuring guests we are preparing our YouTube Channel!
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Snippets from the Fabulous Life of an Indian Mom of 3! Parenting, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Family Travel and more. Product reviews and unboxing of new stuff for kids and moms, online shopping for kids and moms in India, birthday party ideas, parenting tips and fun ideas for learning.