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Teresa Forcades i Arcadi Oliveres promouen una candidatura unitària al Parlament per a un procés constituent i fan una crida a implicar-se en aquest nou projecte de canvi social. El Manifest afirma que cal "iniciar un procés des de baix, creant espais de trobada entre el màxim nombre de col.lectius i persones a barris i pobles, que permeti articular una candidatura el més àmplia possible per a les properes eleccions al Parlament de Catalunya amb l'objectiu de defensar la convocatòria d'una Assemblea Constituent per definir quin nou model d'Estat i d'ordenació sòcio-econòmica volem". El Manifest propugna la necessitat d'un canvi de model social i defensa mesures com ara l'expropiació de la banca, la defensa dels serveis públics, la dació en pagament retroactiva, la revocació de totes les retallades realitzades i l'auditoria ciutadana del deute i el no pagament del deute il.legítim.
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The Norman Foster Foundation promotes interdisciplinary thinking and research to help new generations of architects, designers and urbanists anticipate the future. We believe in the importance of connecting architecture, design, technology and the arts to better serve society, and in the value of a holistic education that encourages experimentation through research and projects. The Norman Foster Foundation holds the Norman Foster Archive and Library, which provide a window into the larger narrative and history of our built environment through the work of Norman Foster. The Norman Foster Foundation is based in Madrid and operates globally.
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Hi there! I am Angel, in short Gel. I am a Filipina living in Madrid Spain as an English Assistant teacher. I am fond of travelling and fashion and that's where this fashion and lifestyle channel came from. I dream of travelling the world, showcasing my different outfits. In the meantime, I wanted to show the beauty of Spain especially for my Filipino family and friends. I hope you are going to enjoy and like my videos. Please follow me in instagram: @GELLSSSS
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Hi bayets! My channel is all about travel, lifestyle, make up&beauty, fashion, recreation films, and poetry. Please join me with this journey and I wanna make sure to put a smile on your face. My name is Anne Madrid. “Ang probinsyanang hubadera, ganda lang walang pera” 😂 Please follow my Facebook page “Naked Anne” FOR INQUIRIES 📧 :
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Natascha Bessez is an international recording artist, model, spokesperson, and former beauty queen. From Chilean and French descent, born and raised in the heart of New York City, at 18, Natascha was crowned Miss New York Teen USA. Since then, Natascha has gone on to grace global stages, singing and performing her original music in English, French, and Spanish, that has brought her two Billboard Top 30 dance hits, worldwide recognition, millions of YouTube views, and working with some of the biggest names in the dance and pop industry. From headlining Madrid’s World Pride, to being the first American to place runner up on Live TV for Denmark’s Eurovision Song Festival, to competing on the major hit show ‘The Voice’ in Holland, music has taken Natascha all around the world, and most recently to American TV screens.
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Aquí encontrarás vídeos con algunas de nuestras ideas peregrinas. Pero para estar al tanto de todo, apúntate a nuestra newsletter gratis en la web de Madrid Confidential y te mandaremos por emails nuestras direcciones secretas y planazos chulos. Sólo 2 veces por semana. Síguenos en twitter @madrilicioso y en facebook/Madrid-Confidential
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The European School of Economics (ESE) is a Private Business School offering Bachelor's Degree, Masters and short programmes at its centres in London, Rome, Milan, Florence, Madrid. ESE graduates are among the most competitive business professionals on the market, prepared for leadership roles in international marketing, finance, communication and management. With the ability to individually tailor their course of study, ESE students: - study abroad with ESE centres worldwide - specialise in cutting-edge business sectors, such as fashion, events, music, sport, art, media and human resources among others; - complete internships, selecting from more than 1500 leading organisations around the world.