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The Temple of the Most High begins with the Human Body which houses our Life, essence of our Existence. Africans are in bondage today because they approach Spirituality through Religion, provided by foreign invaders and conquerors. We must stop confusing Religion and Spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans, which was supposed to help people grow spiritually. Due to human imperfection, Religion has become corrupt, political, divisive, and a tool for power struggle. Spirituailty is not theology or ideology, it is simply a way of Life, pure and original, as it was given by the Most High of Creation." -His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I
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Altheris - a group of 144 Universal Energies channelled by Simon Rowe - have recently been drawn to Earth, delivering messages and guidance of spirituality and unconditional love to Humanity - breaking down barriers in order to create a unified world! Simon Rowe, Out of Body Trance Channeller of 'Altheris', is available for one to one and Skype / Telephone sessions between you and 'Altheris' on your spiritual journey and development, soul and life purpose questions. Email: to arrange a booking. Join our Facebook group at: For FREE Guided Meditations from Simon and Altheris, visit: Visit for more 'Altheris' channelled messages.
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Andrew Holecek is an author and spiritual teacher who offers talks, online courses, and workshops. As a long-time student of Buddhism, he presents this tradition from a contemporary perspective – blending the ancient wisdom of the East with modern knowledge from the West. Drawing on years of intensive study and practice, he teaches on the opportunities that exist in obstacles, helping people with hardship and pain, death and dying, and problems in meditation. He is the author of several books, including “The Power and the Pain: Transforming Spiritual Hardship into Joy,” “Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom From the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition,” "Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep", "Dreams of Light: The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming","The Lucid Dreaming Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Your Dream Life" and “Meditation in the IGeneration: How to Meditate in a World of Speed and Stress.”.
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Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga (GSSY) is a Practical Method of 'Living a Worthy Life', full of inner peace and Aananda(Everlasting Joy). GSSY is a method of Meditation and Yoga, offered free of charge by Guru Siyag(Gurudev Shri Ramlal ji Siyag), Enlightened Guru from India. GSSY aims at complete and all round Development of Human Being, leading to 'Next Evolutionary Change or Development' in Human Body', we may call it -'Divine Transformation of Mankind' or towards attaining a 'Divine Bodily Form'. It's a process of Spiritual Evolution and Holistic Healing. Benefits include getting rid of all types of Addictions and frees the body from Physical, Mental and Spiritual Diseases. Based on Kundalini awakening by Guru Siyag through Shaktipat Mantra Deeksha(Initiation by Sacred Word). Get it free of charge by means of Video Clips of 'Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga Online Initiation By Divine Mantra', available on internet, Youtube, etc.,
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Alchemy, Healing. Transformation An ancient Mystery School for the Modern Age Once, throughout the planet there were many schools that taught the secret mysteries of the ancients. These Mystery Schools offered the earnest student instructions on how to navigate through the spiritual realms and how to divine the future. They taught the sacred arts of healing through breath, wholesome plants and dream work, and those of music, dance, and other forms of artistic creation, as well as the power of the spiritual disciplines of sacred geometry, ritual work, and meditation.. In these schools the best instructors also taught Astrology, Alchemy, the Secret of the Luminous Body and much more. Join us as Sacred Mysteries recreates this ancient experience.
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Satori Seals Wisdom Channel This channel highlights various ways to elevate our wellbeing through representing Wisdom Therapeutics Brand created by Satori Seals. In sum, Wisdom Therapeutics is an integrative spiritual wellness system that promotes spiritual thought as it applies to practical living, self-care by receiving Wisdom Zen Bodywork, movement therapy such as Wisdom Flex/Tai Fascia Yoga, Wisdom Therapeutics Herbal Therapy for physical maintenance, and wisdom-based coaching that spans into many topics as it relates to life such as relationships, creating wealth, community, manifesting purpose, and guiding people into ways of self-growth. Feel free to explore all that is offered by clicking the link below:
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The Pure Land Series hosts an innovative programme of talks and events at China Exchange, in the heart of London's China Town. We invite inspirational speakers and like-minded people to share their vision of a world grounded in compassion, empowerment, creativity and spirituality.
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Trainer Muhammad Saeed Clay. Master of the physical, Mental and spiritual power. Certified by ( IFBB, WACT and LQC) Muhammad Saeed Clay is one of the most fitness and healing professionals among UAE communities across the globe. He was trainer and self employee in Al Quah Gym Sharjah UAE since 1992. He is certified from International Federation of Body Building ( IFBB) Weider Academy for Culture Training (WACT) Leaders Qualification Centre (LQC) and he is certified healer for individual, group and distance healing energy.