自然育兒網絡是香港一家非牟利機構,由三位熱心的哺乳媽媽於二零一五年發起, 積極推廣自然育兒方法,提倡包括自然分娩、母乳餵哺、親密育兒等概念,以現代科學的角度,透視最適合孩子的育兒方法,並聯繫各方的專家和熱心人,向公眾努力推廣,務求幫助每對父母及孩子,得以充分享受童年的喜悅。
NPN is a Hong Kong-based non-profit organization set up in 2015 by three mothers. We believe parenting practices that foster human’s evolved developmental niche are vital to the healthy development of our society, and yet they have been lost during centuries of rapid economic development. We are keen to bring them back into the society’s collective consciousness for the benefits of both parents and children.