Welcome to "Quijote - Argentine Advertising Archive"! Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Argentine advertising and explore commercials, jingles, reports, comparisons, stories, and parodies that are part of Argentina's advertising culture.
📺 Our goal is to unravel the workings of advertising campaigns in traditional media and on social networks, providing you with in-depth analysis of the advertising strategies that drive communication in Argentina.
📰 Additionally, we offer critiques and analysis of television moments, especially in the realm of journalism, to help you better understand the media dynamics in our country.
🔔 Don't miss any of our videos! Subscribe to the channel and join our community of Argentine advertising enthusiasts.
(**) Advertising agencies, advertisers, and producers, please contact us through our website.
Commercials of Argentina
Argentine advertising
TV commercials from Argentina
Argentine jingles
Political campaigns
TV moments