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Méditation et Sérénité offre une approche simple et efficace de la méditation. Méditations pratiques, à base de relaxation, de respiration, de techniques yogiques pour combattre le stress et l'anxiété, hypnose du sommeil pour dormir profondément. Méditations contes sur les sagesses ancestrales, oasis de paix pour vous aider dans votre quête de paix intérieure et de sérénité. Méditations nature (earthing) pour se relier aux forces du vivant et faire le plein d'énergie en retrouvant sa propre connexion avec l'énergie vitale universelle. Méditations de pleine conscience, de guérison, affirmations positives au service de votre bien être. Elles sont le fruit de mon expérience. J'ai vécu dans un ashram pendant deux ans. J'y ai étudié le yoga (kundalini yoga) la méditation, la relaxation, le yoga nidra, le massage, le reiki et différentes techniques de développement personnel.
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Want to live better, it's so natural! HEALTHY LIVING is a chain specializing in the field of natural products, benevolent food, healthy recipes, and physical and mental well-being. I accompany you on a daily basis towards a healthier and more zen life, by helping you to reconcile your body, your mind and your life thanks to recipes and gentle and natural methods. Healthy living may require sacrifices on the part of the person, but the results remain for a long period of their life. Together, let's flourish today! Maintain our health, cultivate our well-being, calm our minds and welcome the positive into our lives. Health is the most precious commodity! Do not hesitate to subscribe and click on the bell to not miss any videos!
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The videos offered so far (2014-2019) are relaxation and alignment tools that I discovered personally at times in my life when I really needed them: heart coherence, eye movements, the link with nature... I wanted to adapt these tools, and especially share them because I found a real effect of wellness. There are many other things that relax and refocus me such as reading, mindful meditation, heated yoga, running, sharing with friends and family and contemplation in general! A beautiful set that serves my professional practice: I am a PCC ICF coach, Training consultant and Mentor certified in management, communication, project management and career guidance. Instagram : @coach_professionnel_paris_icf Production/ Direction :
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Hey friends! Welcome to our Yoga Channel! Yoga changed our lives and for the last 20 plus years we have been dedicated to sharing it with anyone interested. With the Coronavirus lockdown, we felt called to support the community by uploading all our videos we had for sale, as well as making new ones daily. On our channel, you will find practices of various lengths, for all levels of Ashtanga and Vinyasa practitioners. Plus, wonderful Self-Nourishing Gentle and Restorative practices that are beautiful alternatives to those dynamic styles of yoga. To complete the self-care mix, you will find numerous Pranayama (yogic breathing) classes and self-inquiry inspiring talks and meditations. We’d appreciate your encouragement by subscribing, sharing and commenting! Sending all much peace, love and strength, Linda & Gérald
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De courtes vidéos pédagogiques pour découvrir et se familiariser avec les principes philosophiques et la pratique du Yoga. Cette approche est unique par la richesse de ses apports diversifiés, théoriques et pratiques, issus du Kundalini Yoga, du Yoga du froid, du Yoga Nidra, du Yoga du Son, de l'anatomie appliquée, de l'ayurvéda, de l'alimentation saine et de l'univers des soins corporels. Playlists: Kundalini Yoga ❘ Yoga du froid ❘ Pratiques guidées ❘ Yoga Nidra ❘ Yoga: ses 1001 facettes ❘ Anatomie vivante ❘ Mode de vie Yogique ❘ Yoga du son (Naad Yoga) ❘ Méditation ❘ Yoga en pratique ❘ Flash info Yoga
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Do you want to be free is a YouTube channel, active since 2014, that hosts guided meditations, meditation and relaxation musics, healing frequencies and messages from members of the community to spread a peace and calm message to the world. The music are all originals made for the channel. Some of them are published on behalf of cdbaby. Meditation is now one recognized by the medical community as it can really bring changes to your brain and calm down our restless thoughts. The goal of the channel is continuing provide these musics videos and these meditations as we know, by reading all of your messages, that they help a lot people of the YouTube community. Our team members will be happy to provide techniques, tutorials, meditations, affirmations or just explication videos about our soul and our mind and try to ease the pain for some of us, or strengthen self-esteem for some others. Lately slowed down for economical reasons, but keep going on for all of you
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I'm Caro, a curious soul, learning & sharing my knowledge as a yoga teacher & psychology student to support you on your healing journey🤍 On this channel I'm sharing my healing-journey, talking about mindful entrepreneurship, conscious living and traveling :) Besides working in marketing, I'm all into mental, physical and emotional health. Mindfulness and self-healing through yoga & meditation are important parts of my life, as they've helped me to heal myself from several health-issues, to listen intuitively to my body and to enjoy this life. 🦋 Learn more about my work and other projects 🦋 Instagram → @carolinamatzke Podcast → Mindfulness Platform "Sprout & Spirit" →
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L’École de méditation est une association laïque qui vise à transmettre l’expérience de la méditation de Pleine présence/mindfulness de manière détaillée en la rendant accessible à tous. Chacun est libre de choisir les programmes qui l’intéressent, au rythme qui lui convient. L’École a été fondée par Fabrice Midal, l’un des principaux enseignants de la méditation en France et l’auteur de nombreux livres où il montre comment la méditation peut s’incarner dans tous les moments de notre existence. Fabrice Midal a formé de nombreux enseignants qui transmettent la méditation, chacun avec son propre style. Il invite également des méditants reconnus, chercheurs, thérapeutes et philosophes à venir enseigner lors de certains évènements.