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Resonance Records are an independent underground house music label based in Manchester & London, UK. The label is a platform for rising stars and already established artists to get their music out to the masses. DJ W!LD, Alex Arnout, Adam Shelton, No Artificial Colours, Russ Yallop, wAFF, Max Chapman, Dale Howard & so many more have helped push the Resonance sound since January 2012, and successful showcases have been thrown at Sankeys Manchester, Pacha London, Sankeys Ibiza, Egg London & more.
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The Manchester Islamic Centre (Didsbury Mosque) is a British Charity registered under charity number 327235. The Centre offers worship services and facilities to the British Muslim community along with other services to the rest of the British community. The Centre promotes character-building of virtuous and law-abiding Muslim citizens by both, practicing and teaching Islam according to the Holy Qur'an (The word of Allah (God)) and authenticated sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, Allah's final Messenger (Peace and blessing be upon him). The Centre also promotes the total integration of the British Muslim community with the main stream British society without losing any of the former's values and beliefs. The Centre is continuously coordinating and building bridges with the various government offices, authorities, public services and non-Muslim members of the community in order to play a positive and constructive role in the society.
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About Ndemic Creations Ndemic Creations is a leading, independent game studio dedicated to making intelligent, sophisticated and high-quality strategy games. Based in Bristol, UK, Ndemic achieved extreme success with its first game, Plague Inc. – a global hit with over 180 million players which is one of the top five most successful paid mobile games ever. Ndemic’s latest game is Rebel Inc., a political/military simulation inspired by events in Afghanistan.
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The Oxford Academic Health Science Network (Oxford AHSN) is a partnership of NHS providers, commissioners, universities and life science companies working to improve health and economic growth in Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes and Oxfordshire. This region is home to three million people, nine universities, 750 life science companies, nine NHS service providers and 12 Clinical Commissioning Groups. Oxford AHSN is one of 15 AHSNs licensed by NHS England until 2018 to accelerate health and economic gains through local collaboration. Further information is available at
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At FFX, we take pride in offering unbeatable prices, unmatched availability, and exceptional service. As one of the UK's largest independent suppliers of high-quality tools, fixings, and building supplies, we strive to be your go-to destination for all your power tool needs. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, FFX have been serving customers since 2003. Since our incorporation in 2006, we have steadily grown our reputation as a trusted source for top-notch tools and building supplies. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our reputation as eBay UK's largest supplier of tools in 2010*, with unparalleled customer feedback and satisfaction. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional tradesperson, you can rely on FFX for a wide range of power tools, fixings, and building supplies. powertools, powertools steam deck, power tools, powertools with thread, powertools bus, power tools song, power tools review, power tool repair, powertools asmr
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IPPR is the UK's leading progressive thinktank. We are an independent registered charity with more than 40 staff members, paid interns and visiting fellows. Our main office is in London, with IPPR North, IPPR's dedicated thinktank for the North of England, operating out of offices in Newcastle and Manchester. Our purpose is to conduct and publish research into, and promote public education in, the economic, social and political sciences, and in science and technology; including the effect of moral, social, political and scientific factors on public policy and on the living standards of all sections of the community. IPPR produces rigorous and independent policy research, covering the full range of local and national policy debates. We work with a wide range of partners and stakeholders from across the country to improve the evidence base for, and effectiveness of, public policy, and our international partnerships extend IPPR's influence and reputation across the world.
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Classical Guitar keeps you informed on the music, musicians, and instruments that matter. We cover the full spectrum of people, events, products, ideas, and trends that matter to today’s classical guitar community, while also exploring the rich traditions and history of classical guitar. Classical Guitar was founded in 1982 in England by Maurice Summerfield, author of the standard biographical reference, The Classical Guitar: Its Evolution, Players and Personalities Since 1800. The magazine joined joined Acoustic Guitar, DRUM!, Strings, and Ukulele magazines at California based Stringletter in 2014. With your support, engagement, and encouragement, Classical Guitar continues to grow and evolve, serving the needs and interests of the community.
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The Ukrainian Institute London is a centre for Ukraine-related educational and cultural activities. We explore challenging issues that affect not just Ukraine but all societies today. The Ukrainian Institute London is a charity registered in England and Wales.
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Welcome to the Mark Goldbridge channel. You many know me from The United Stand, Manchester United's biggest independent fan channel on YouTube, or That's Football. It's far to say that football and Manchester United are my biggest passions but the Mark Goldbridge is a place where we can discuss and interact on more than that. From the latest football news to movie reviews, FIFA career modes to top ten videos. The Mark Goldbridge channel is a place where we can all have a bit of fun away from the confines of The United Stand.