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Our Cathedral Church is the main place of worship in the Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen. It was opened in December 1860 as the principal Catholic Church in the west end of the city, replacing St. Peter's Church in the Castlegate, when there were about 1,000 Catholics out of a population of 74,000 and the number of Catholics was increasing. It became the Cathedral (the church of the Bishop's Chair ) when the post-reformation diocese was set up in 1878.
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We are a Catholic Film Production Apostolate founded in 2007 based in Sussex, England. We produce original DVD films, documentaries and series on Catholic Saints, and Martyrs, especially focusing on the 40 Martyrs of England and Wales, Saxon Saints and the Catholic Faith using footage, sacred art, historical imagery, narration and original music.
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Video content created and curated by the Catholic Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama Department of Evangelization and Faith Formation. The Department consists of the Office of Religious Education, Office of New Evangelization, Office of Discipleship and Mission, and the Office of Youth Ministry. This channel also hosts the Video repository of the Diocese of Birmingham Catechetical Institute - visit us at
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The Latin Mass Society promotes the Traditional Latin Mass (aka the Old Rite, Vetus Ordo, Extraordinary Form, Tridentine Rite) in England and Wales, and campaigns for wider provision of the Traditional Mass for all Catholics. We also work to promote the use of the Catholic Church's traditional music, especially Gregorian Chant, and of the Latin language within the Church, not just in the liturgy. For more information about Masses and other events, see our website
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PARA LA HABLAHISPANA DE FACEBOOK: DEFENSORES DE LA IGLESIA CATOLICA Lord, I pray that your will be done, always. Even if it means I have nothing. My treasure lies in you. Amen. Señor, ruego que Tu voluntad se cumpla, siempre. Aunque signifique que yo no tengo nada. Mi tesoro esta en Ti. Amen. Welcome. Bienvenido. Thank you for your visit. I hope one, some, or all, of my videos will help you on your journey of faith. This is my meager attempt to glorify the Most High God and His Holy Catholic Church. Peace be with you. PARA LA HABLA HISPANA: Bienvenidos a mi canal. Mi proposito es compartir lo que he aprendido sobre la verdad de la fe Catolica, principalmente con otros Catolicos, pero tambien con cualquier persona que sinceramente es interesado en la verdad. Espero que uno o todos mis videos fortalezcan su fe en Cristo y en la iglesia que El fundo. Tengan confianza que estan en casa y en la Iglesia verdadera del Dios viviente. POLITICA SOBRE COMENTARIOS: Mi politica principal con respecto a los comentarios es sencilla: NADA DE GROSERIAS. No me importa si eres Protestante, Ortodoxo, ateo, o Catolico. No voy a tolerar nada de groserias. Tenemos que ser respetuosos. Si algiuen viola esta politica, sera bloqueado de mi canal sin advertencia. Si uno deja comentarios insultantes pero no necesariamente groseros, los comentarios seran borrados pero el individuo no necesariamente sera bloquado para darle la oportunidad de compartir en discusiones respetuosas. Segunda politica, si eres Protestante y quieres dejar comentarios opuestos a mis videos o a la religion Catolica, tienes que declarar a cual denominacion Protestante perteneces. No basta con decir "Cristiano", "Protestante" o "Evangelico". Tienes que ser especifico, por ejemplo, Pentecostal, Bautista, Metodista, etcetera. Tercera politica, no permito que un solo individuo domine los foros de los comentarios. Si veo que alguien esta haciendo los mismo comentarios muchas veces, le dare una advertencia. Si continua, empezare a borrar algunos de sus comentarios. Cuarta politica, no permito comentarios anti-Catolicos en mi pagina principal, o sea, en esta pagina. Solo acepto saludos o comentarios positivos sobre el Catolicismo. El proposito es para mantener un ambiente positivo. Uno puede dejar cualquier comentario que guste en las paginas de mis videos especificos, solo pido que guarden las politicas descritas arriba. Tambien me puede enviar mensajes privados por medio de YouTube
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Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church, supporting the Catholic faithful and other Christians where they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. We provide support to Christians in need of support, pastoral and humanitarian, as well as awareness of Christian persecution through news and advocacy work. Learn more about ACN UK: Follow ACN UK on our social media channels: Twitter/ X - Instagram - Facebook - Listen to our "Break the Silence" podcast: Apple podcast - Spotify - YouTube: