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Kawasaki boasts a wide array of products, services and systems that adopt technologies with low environmental impact (energy conserving, low-carbon and resource saving technologies) in the land, sea and air transportation equipment, energy plant and facilities, and industrial equipment businesses. As such, our responsibility for the development of sustainable economies and communities, as well as societal expectations of the company in this regard, is ever increasing. Kawasaki is committed to providing customers unique business solutions in a speedy manner based on the thinking that, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” We strive to enhance our understanding of diverse customer and societal needs worldwide and focus the superior technologies and skills acquired in the course of our extensive business operations on continual innovation and reform.
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At Daikin Singapore, we discover something new every day. We identify opportunities and seek solutions to make the air cleaner, healthier and more comfortable. As the only Japanese aircon specialist, Daikin applies cutting-edge technologies to enhance the air quality, providing the comfort of sophisticated air conditioning systems to thousands of Singaporeans’ homes as well as for commercial and industrial needs. Established in Singapore in 1968, Daikin has grown with the country to achieve many milestones. Daikin was the first to introduce multi-spilt air-conditioning systems when the Housing and Development Board (HDB) was paving the way to house Singaporeans of growing affluence. In line with Singapore’s green movement, Daikin was also the first to introduce eco-friendlier multi spilt air conditioner using R32 refrigerant. In 2020, Daikin partnered SP Group to provide Singapore’s first large-scale residential Centralised Cooling System at Tengah.
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Tokyo Stash and Spade are two friends listening to music. One of the team knows the song in question while the other partner does not. This unique concept makes for interesting viewing. Stash Cairo and DJ L-Spade always feature an eclectic mixture of classic rock, hip-hop, mainstream pop and Japanese music. Neither of them is ever afraid of expressing their opinion!
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Much of the information about osteoarthritis in the world is incorrect. By getting correct information about hip pain, progression of symptoms in the future, and 80-90% of patients can be cured without surgery. Here are some of the secrets. Most, but not all, hip pain can be improved without surgery! Surgery is a last resort, and after surgery, of course, you will not be able to return to your original bone. Before deciding on surgery, conservative treatment is strongly recommended. In other countries, this is the mainstream, and Japan is being left behind. Do not perform muscle training when there is pain in the leg. What you should do at this time is to relax the muscles with massage and stretching. Stiff muscles become even stiffer when muscle training is done, causing severe blood flow problems and exacerbating the pain. Rest is the first priority when pain is present. Osteoarthritis is not progressive. The progression always stops at some point. Please rest assured!
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I have researched bonobos at Wamba, Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bonobos and Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans. Compared to chimpanzees, bonobo society is considered to be peaceful. I would like to introduce my research on bonobos in Africa. If you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact me on Twitter and Instagram. 【Schedule of Uploading】 Our contents are uploaded every Tuesday and Saturday at 21:00 Japanese time. Members-only videos are uploaded once in two weeks on Sunday. 【Details of Memberships】 Before joining memberships, please read descriptions about memberships on my Community tabs. 【Research team website】 ・Webpage about our conservation activities for bonobos at Wamba area. ・Donate now to our activities! 【Operated by Platoo】 This channel is operated by "Platoo".
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It's a conservative channel with Japanese who are patriots. DEFENSE OF JAPAN Security Environment Surrounding Japan. The security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe, with various challenges and destabilizing factors becoming more tangible and acute. This channel presents a variety of videos that serve the national interest.