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Mateřská.com je projektem zpěvaček Lenky Jankovské a Báry Vaculíkové. Jak již název napovídá, shrnuje jejich pocity a zkušenosti v roli matek a pomocí kontrastu a nadsázky reaguje na aktuální životní situace. V roce 2013 vydaly debut Laktační psychóza a 2018 navázaly albem Automatka. Léňa s Bárou spolupracují od roku 2000 jako vokální duo. Účastnily se společně řady hudebních projektů a jejich talentu využili při studiové práci mnozí významní muzikanti (Chinaski, Janek Ledecký, Michal Prokop, Bow Wave, United Flavour, Hypnotix, Jan Burian aj.).
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Zongshen Motorcycle is one of the core subsidiaries of Zongshen Industrial Group. As a large-scale comprehensive enterprise, it mainly manufactures and sells motorcycles, E-bikes, motorcycle spare parts, automobile spare parts and IT spare parts etc... It includes two-wheeler division, electric bike division, injection division, welding plant, painting plant, South China motorcycle division and R&D center. The company has assets of over RMB 1.18 billion, more than 3,000 employees, and has the annual output of 4 million motorcycles, E-bikes and three wheelers and more than 7 million pieces of key & important component
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The Official Channel of Amalia Rubin, International singer, Educator, Traveler, and Humorist Amalia Rubin sings, writes, and composes primarily in Tibetan and English, but also sings professionally in numerous other languages, reflecting both her heritage and her life living around the world. She is best known for her Tibetan singing and compositions, which have won awards and have been sung by singers such as Kunga and Dekyi Tso, as well as her blues work, headlining multiple times at the Mustique Blues Festival.
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Canale dedicato all'alimentazione sportiva ⛹️da un punto di vista tendenzialmente salutista🌱. Dedicato a tutti quelli che vogliono capire come affrontare una alimentazione sana 💟( per dimagrire, mantenersi o mettere massa muscolare) senza troppi "sacrifici" sul gusto. Dalla nostra Sarah deliziose ricette in versione light👍 dedicate a tutte le persone. Questo Canale 🔊è diretto da Fabio Cammalleri (Bodybuilder💪 e teoria della nutrizione🗣️) e Sarah Bella Russotto💋 (Ricette🤷 e fitness🏋️). P.s Alcuni video sono fatti di proposito in modo scherzoso 😁 ma trasmettono comunque un messaggio importante 😎. Seguici su Instagram: - cammallerifabio - sarahbellafitnesslove
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So I love to play drums! They are pretty much my passion here on Earth, besides my Creator. To Christ I give all the Glory and Honor. Everything I am, everything I do, everything I have, I owe to Him. I play for an audience of One! He is the reason I am here today, and with every breath, stick stroke, and tom roll, I give Him praise! God Bless everyone and thank you for your views and comments! Here's my setup: Drums: DW green glass kit (10", 12", 14", 16" toms) Joey Jordison Snare Cymbals: 18" Sabian AAXplosion Fast crash 19" Sabian AAXplosion crash 20" Sabian AAXplosion crash 14" Sabian AA MetalX HiHats 20" Sabian AA MetalX Ride 10" Sabian AA MetalX Splash 10" Meinl AA Classics China Splash 12" Meinl AA Classics China 18" Meinl AA Classics China Mics - Audix D6 - kick D2 - Rack D4 - Floor i5 - Snare