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Gaggia is the #1 selling home espresso machine manufacturer in Italy. Founded by the father of the modern espresso machine, Achille Gaggia, Gaggia S.p.A. has been a leader in the industry since 1947. World-renowned not only for their commercial quality components and beautiful design, Gaggia espresso machines and grinders are also celebrated for their unique combination of old-world style with modern technology. With their line of feature-packed super automatic espresso machines, perfected semi-automatics and traditional piston-style manual machines, Gaggia embodies the history and the future of espresso culture. To become a Gaggia retailer:
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Welcome to videos dedicated to the home espresso and coffee enthusiast! Our detailed espresso machine and coffee grinder reviews cover the higher end of home espresso equipment on the market, but make only one assumption about you—a love of coffee! Whether this is the first time you've considered making espresso, cappuccinos, and lattes in your home or you've been drinking coffee for years, you will find tidbits of information to help you get the best out of your coffee. PS: Just need a quick answer? Check the site's FAQs and Favorites for solutions to common coffee and espresso-related problems.