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„Sebastian Copien ist veganer Profikoch, mehrfacher Bestseller Kochbuchautor, Surfer und Gemüsegärtner. Als Meister der veganen Küche vermittelt er seit über 15 Jahren in seinen Events die Einfachheit & Freude bewusster Küche. Von deftigem Wohlfühlessen bis hin zu Fine Dining und gesunder Alltagsküche deckt Sebastian Copien jede Disziplin veganer Kulinarik ab. Sei es als Gründer, Dozent und Geschäftsführer in Europas größten veganen Onlinekochschule Vegan Masterclass oder im Plant Based Institute: bei Sebastian Copien dreht sich alles darum, herausragende veganer Küche in den Alltag von Gastronomie und Privathaushalten nachhaltig zu integrieren. Er hält dazu in seiner Koch-Location am Rande von München und europaweit Seminare, Showkochevents sowie Kochkurse, berät Hotels und Restaurants und veranstaltet regelmäßig Fine Dining-Dinnerevents. In einem kleinen Münchner Garten baut er auf 18 Hoch- Hügelbeeten über 50 verschiedene Kräuter- und Gemüsesorten für seine Events an.“
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Hy everybody! I'm Andy, the Vegandy! I make delicious, healthy, plantbased food and take beautiful pictures thereof! After being a vegetarian for almost 6 years, I turned vegan in 2016 and that was one of the best decisions of my life. Although I'm an ethical vegan to save the animals and the environment, the healthy side effects of a vegan lifestyle are extremely beneficial. Since I have a strong passion for cooking and photography, I started to document what I eat as vegan on a daily basis and post it on my Instagram account. I hope to inspire other people to choose a vegan/plantbased diet to live a healthy and balanced life. With this Youtube channel, I'm aiming to show you how to easily cook delicious, healthy and plantbased recipes at home. Furthermore, I will show you how to easily style food and take breathtaking pictures of it...ready to be shared on Instagram or Pinterest! I hope you enjoy this channel! Have a wonderful day, Andy
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Carmen Hercegfi, Autorin der Bücher "Vegan in anderen Umständen" (2017) und "Vegan für unsere Sprösslinge" (2019) Ernährungsberatung für vegane Familien Weitere Infos, Coachinggruppen, kostenlose Downloads, Online Kurse uvm. unter: IMPRESSUM Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Carmen Hercegfi Suhrenkamp 34 22335 Hamburg Germany Kontakt: Telefon Büro: 040 – 51324425 E-Mail: Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Carmen Hercegfi Suhrenkamp 34 22335 Hamburg Germany
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Welcome to the Yes 2 Life Show - Your channel for simple high protein vegan meals and tips. We are Samuel & Lukas - Vegan twins with a passion for fitness, health and good food. Our aim is to show that it's easy to build muscle on a vegan diet, by sharing simple and delicious high protein vegan meals, inspiring talks with vegan athletes and entrepreneurs as well as by sharing our own story through regular Vlogs. We also have a slight obsession with lentils - they are our favorite vegan protein source. So you will see a TON of lentil recipes on our channel. Lukas & Samuel from the Yes 2 Life Show
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Hello Dear friends and subscribers I am Noor. Cooking is my passion. I love to cook simple ,easy yet delicious recipes. Our Channel is all about Cooking from different Cuisines of the world. Please SUBSCRIBE to my Channel. I would really appreciate it. Share it with your friends and family. Stay connected for more. For any inquiry contact us noorahmed775 Follow us on: Facebook Instagram Pinterest