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My name is Kyong Weathersby and I was born and raised in South Korea. I married to my husband Larry in May 24, 1982 while Larry was stationed in Army base and he brought me to USA in 1982. I am a Christian and love my Lord, Jesus Christ. I dedicated my life to His service. Larry & I have the health ministry "A Taste of Heaven" ( I was called by the Lord in the year of 2000 to teach people how to cook healthy with God's original diet from Genesis 1:29 which is plant based vegan diet. I use most healthiest ingredients to benefit our body, soul and mind. I have been doing many cooking schools and we taped the cooking shows at 3ABN tv for 10 years and was blessed to minister whole world through 3ABN tv. You will be able to watch those cooking show on my channel. God spoke to me with still small voice in January 2020 that I need to tape more cooking shows to teach people how to cook healthy. So, I have been obedient to His call and have been faithful to Him.
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"Always Healthy, Always Tasty" 라이프 스타일 코디네이터로 활동하고 있는 촵촵베지의 유튜브 채널. 촵촵베지는 화학적 양념을 피하고 기름도 가급적 최소화하면서 음식의 영양과 맛을 살리는 자연식물성 식단을 연구합니다. #촵촵베지 #자연식물식 #자연건강요리 #비건이유식 #당뇨레시피 #아토피프리 #비염프리 #회복식 #치유식 #힐링푸드 #항암식단 맛있고 유쾌한 촵촵베지 레시피 많이 사랑해주시고 건강하세요! Welcome to Chop Chop Veggie Channel ! On Chop Chop Veggie I share tasty and healthy vegan recipes, to make healthy eating attractive and hilarious and to help inspire a healthy lifestyle. I started this channel to help anyone looking to start or restart on their road to health and happiness through a whole food plant based diet. I hope you can experience many wonderful Korean vegan cuisine. Enjoy !!
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Better Vegan for All. simple, quality ingredients, consciously and sustainably created, and with affordable pricing. haruharu wonder is conscious lifestyle skincare brand with strong emphasis on sustainable coexistence of beauty and nature. haruharu means day by day in Korean. Inspired by details in our daily lives, haruharu wonder focuses on making little, but effective changes in ordinary routine towards sustainable future. Made with Cruelty-Free, 100% plant-powered natural, active ingredients deliberately chosen by prestigious our lab scientists, we are committed to provide clean beauty products for everyone. - Be You. Do You. For your Natural Beauty 매 순간의 건강한 아름다움을 위한 라이프스타일 비건 스킨케어. 하루하루원더 하루하루원더는 건강한 진심을 담아 매 순간 함께 할 수 있는 안전하고 정직한 제품만을 연구하고 만듭니다. 전 제품은 합성향료와 인체에 유해한 성분을 배제한 비건 포뮬러 처방으로 생산됩니다.
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Lestronomy is an awkward science that studies a particular human object. It uses science and logic in order to explain its evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, cooking, running, cycling, nebulae, galaxies, and veganism.