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This channel is for video games and weird stuff on my life . fell free to like share and Subscribe and also keep in mind i do play CO OP games with everyone as long as i have time for that and to those who don't like my youtube channel please leave a note in the Junk Suggestions box so i don't Bother reading it. in case if i die please Youtube delete everrything on my channel. i well see you all in the next life.
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أول تطبيق عربي للتيقظ والتأمل وعلى مستوى عالمي يتخصص في تطوير التأمّلات باللغة العربية. The first & leading Arabic meditation & mindfulness app. Tawazon seeks to improve the daily life of the Arab person & families by developing a mobile application that provides daily, short, and scientifically proven meditation sessions. The innovation and excellence offered by Tawazon is focusing on developing and recording meditation sessions in the Arabic language which are suitable for the state of mind of Arab communities around the world. This is critical due to the important role the mother tongue plays in the effectiveness of meditation.
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Dear friends welcome to my channel asimtv1987. Here i will upload very amazing,interesting plus informative videos of all the times related to every subject covering mainly health,Civil Engineering and other interesting and motivating items.I hope you will like,comment,share and forward my video to your friends. Asimtv1987 will be my daily channel for uploading new stuffs with great motivation and commitment.Furthermore in this channel you will see issues and solutions of various topic related stuffs.asimtv1987 will make you entertain will bring enjoyment,hope and courage in your life to move forward with positive and focused mind in a leadership mind.