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Willkommen auf dem offiziellen Kanal von Thomas Anders! Welcome to the official channel of Thomas Anders! Добро пожаловать на официальный канал Томаса Андерса! THOMAS ANDERS was born on 1 March 1963 and is one of the few German stars who can be said to have made both a national and international impact on music history. During his time with Modern Talking, he enjoyed countless chart successes that spread his fame to almost every corner of the earth. “You’re my heart, you’re my soul” reached number 1 status in 81 countries. Worldwide CD sales of Modern Talking and of Thomas Anders’ solo works have now topped the 125 million mark. Thomas Anders has received more than 420 gold and platinum discs or CD’s and numerous awards to mark his artistic achievements. The latter have included the “Bambi”, the “Goldene Europa”, the “Goldene Kamera”, the “ECHO”, the “World Music Award”, the Golden and Silver “Bravo-Otto”, the “Golden Lion” from Radio Luxembourg and many more besides.
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Konstantin is the youngest German ever to pass the Master of Wine qualification. In 2019 he won the WSET & IWSC Future 50 award as he was named one of the leaders of the future wine, spirits, and sake industries. He runs his import and retail business This channel is about knowledge, traveling, and wine tasting ... AND about staying thirsty!
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Du bist schön! Dies ist nicht nur die allumfassende Philosophie hinter den vielfältigen, in Deutschland entwickelten und produzierten Kosmetikprodukten von asambeauty, sondern auch ein Kompliment an genau – Dich! Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass jeder von uns eine individuelle und einzigartige Schönheit in sich hat, die ein Strahlen nach außen trägt. Wir haben uns das Ziel gesetzt Deine Schönheit zu entfalten und zu betonen, denn Schönheit ist so vielseitig, wie es jeder einzelne von uns ist. Dabei unterstützen unsere hochwertigen Beauty-Produkte aber auch spannende Videos und Tutorials rund um Beauty, Health und Lifestyle. Wir wünschen Dir viel Spaß und Inspiration auf unserem Channel! Impressum Asambeauty - Du bist schön. ASAMBEAUTY GmbH Feringastr. 12a 85774 Unterföhring Telefon (kostenfrei): Mo-Fr von 08.00 Geschäftsführer: Marcus Asam, Michael Scherer, Carsten Wick Amtsgericht München HRB 226281 USt.Id.: DE306907220 Steuernummer AT: 68 706/1291
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Be like a flowing river, silent in the night. Be not afraid of the dark. If there r stars n the sky, reflect them back. And if there are clouds in the sky, Remember, clouds, like the river, are water, so reflect them too, In your own tranquil depths. SAKI In the hand of the Saki are wines one of laughter one of tears. I am holding an empty cup hoping for your generosity. 0 Saki give me which ever you like but give it to me with a smile. I am a madman and care nothing for tears or laughter. But, Oh, please dont send me away thirsty, From the wine-house of your love. Ghani Khan سحرګه وه د نرګس لیمه ﻻنده څاڅکی څاڅکی یی له سترګو څڅیده ما وی څه دی ښکلی ګله ولی ژاړی؟ ده وی ژوند می دی یوه خوله خندیده
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EAT, DRINK, WATCH MOVIES - CELEBRATE FOOD, WINE AND TRAVEL I love good food, good wine, cinema and art, even in reverse order. On my Youtube channel I like to, 🎈Share my love for delicious food and passion for wine with you, getting inspired by movies and artists in little stories. 🎈Tasting great wines from all over the world with you - from classics to exciting newcomers. 🎈Share my recipes with you and have fun cooking, drinking wine and watching movies. Enjoy!! Your Rita Nieder! Email:
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I am a German YouTuber who has fun to brew. Mead, wines and other experiments will await you here. Mead is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and is documented to have been made thousands of years ago by our Germanic and Celtic ancestors. The channel was converted and was previously in German. If you like my videos, I would be happy about a subscription and nice comments. Also, I can recommend you to press the bell icon. Then you won't miss any videos or livestreams and you can ask questions. Request cooperation in German or English via: Impressum: Patrick S.E. Alms Mozart Straße 28 73453 Abstgmünd
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Easy Italian is a project to help you learn Italian in an authentic and fun way. Our team currently consists of Katie and Matteo, based in Milan. We interview people in the streets of Milan and other cities of Italy. All our videos have subtitles in Italian and English. Easy Italian is part of the global project Easy Languages. Our videos have in the past been hosted twice a month on the Easy Languages channel. Starting from August 2019 you will find new Italian videos on this channel every other week, so feel free to subscribe! To deepen your learning experience with Easy Italian, we invite you to become a member of Easy Italian through Patreon ( and receive exercises, transcripts and further extras that we create for our members each week.
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ENGLISH-ENGLISH- DEUTSCH unten! Live music channel! I like to play German and international folk-music with piano accordion or diationic button accordion (Steirische Harmonika). Also you will hear other instrument sounds like string instruments or brass music, but using midi sounds and playing them with the accordion with right or left hand, but the sound is transformed. I do play music in the DROSSELGASSE, a famous tourism street in Germany at the Rhine River in Ruedesheim. It is the famous LINDENWIRT, a Hotel with Restaurant and Wine Garden. During the Saison from May till October there will be each day live music for 10 or 12 hours.
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Let's Player aus Leidenschaft mit ehrlichen aber kritischen Blick. Auch unangenehm zwanghaft unlustig. Ich spiele seit Ich ein 3 Jahre alter Stöpsel bin Videospiele. Ob PC oder Konsole, is egal, Hauptsache das Spiel is gut. Lieblingsgenres hab Ich so nicht, mir sind aber eine gute Story und Atmosphäre oder ausgefallenes Gameplay ziemlich wichtig. Bei Let's Plays ist mir die Interaktion mit meinen Zuschauern und deren Zufriedenheit am wichtigsten. Nichts nervt mich mehr als Jemand der seine Zuschauer als Selbstverständlichkeit ansieht. Wenn du also irgendwelche Fragen/Vorschläge/Kritik egal welcher Art hast: Äußere sie und Ich reagiere in der Regel recht fix darauf. :) Es gibt nur eine Regel: Wer bei mir spoilert wird entweder verwarnt oder direkt gebannt.