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Get in shape, lose weight and turn your life into a healthy habit! Free workout programs, nutrition plans, challenges, rewards... in a fun and motivating way. Mario's Story: ▪️ Television personality from Croatia ▪️ Professor of Exercise Science and Sports (Master in Kinesiology) ▪️ The Ambassador of The European Week of Sport ▪️ Trainer on the Croatian version of "The Biggest Loser" TV reality series. (Season 1, 2, 3) ▪️ Motivational speaker ▪️ Featured as a top strength and conditioning coach of numerous professional athletes (Men's Health, etc.) ▪️ His training programs have been presented in numerous publications and TV shows ▪️ Associate at the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb ▪️ Guinness World Record holder ▪️ Besides his sports expertise, to the Croatian public he is also known as an actor in various soap operas ▪️ A winner of the popular reality show in Croatia "The Farm" ▪️ Known for his involvements in numerous charity events
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Allow me to change your life! With my guidance: Optimize your body and mind and achieve longevity, Build a beautiful and strong optimal body, ... and much more In time and through perseverance, by using my knowledge, protocol and tools, you will be able to improve your quality of life, build an optimal body and achieve longevity. My goal is to help you die as young as late as possible. For more go check out and @andreasolomun
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Moje ime je Marino Basic… A ja sam profesionalni trener snage i kondicije iz Hrvatske. Važno je reći da sam više od 25 godina u fitness i wellness Tako da mi je zdrav način života koji osigurava dugovječnost postao druga priroda. Tijekom godina, moja glad za učenjem novih i uzbudljivih metoda i tehnika treninga nikada nije prestala. Vlasnik sam Basic Gym One u Zagrebu na 1300 kvadrata u kojoj radi 8 suradnika i trenutno imamo 215+ klijenata - rekreativaca i sportaša. Osmislio sam jedinstveni tečaj za certifikaciju Basic Pro Coach i čak napisati dvije knjige – “Do mišića bez utega” & “Basic Training for Life” koja je ujedno prevedena na engleski i makedonski jezik. Sve sam ovo učinio za TEBE. Jer zaslužujete pristup najboljim i najrelevantnijim informacijama koje vam mogu pomoći da živite dulje, sretnije i zdravije. Vjerujem u uspjeh i uvijek ću dati sve od sebe da pomognem svima koji krenu u saradnju sa mnom da ostvare svoje ciljeve.
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Hi guys my name is Mario Draksler, i'm a personal fitness trainer and strenght&conditioning trainer for mixed martial arts. I've created this channel to bring you the inside of concepts and training methods, self motivation etc. to use it in your training regime or in life, and also to bring you closer look inside fitness and healthier living. Thank you for your attention and please be patient for more feed&video. If you have any question or interest about strenght&conditioning, fitness&training you can check me out on or e-mail me at