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인천대학교 보디빌딩전공교수의 인터넷강의입니다. 스테로이드없이 네츄럴 몸만들기에 관한 내용을 진행하는 채널입니다. 몸만들기를 통하여 건전한 육체와 강건한 정신 ,영적성장을 위한 채널입니다. 보디빌딩 몸만들기 네츄럴 The Incheon University Professor of Bodybuilding offers online lectures on muscle building and fitness through natural methods, avoiding steroids and illegal substances. The purpose is to cultivate both physical and mental health, as well as spiritual growth, through natural bodybuilding and fitness practices.
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Welcome to L214 Official YouTube Channel! We are a fitness YouTube channel providing an integrated healthy lifestyle information regarding exercise, nutrition and much more! Our channel strives to educate and inform everyone to be healthier each and everyday physically, spiritually and in knowledge. Partnership & Business Inquiries: Online Personal Training Available Worldwide Jay's Quick Bio - Exercise Biology UC Davis - Former Taereung Nat'l Training Center of KSOC(Korean Sport & Olympic Committee) Strength & Conditioning Coach - ISSA(Int'l Sports Science Association) Master Trainer - ISSA Certified Master Trainer - ISSA Certified Nutritionist - ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist Coach - ISSA Sports Nutritionist "Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased" Luke 2:14 NIV
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Please understand that the title of the video may contain some intuitive and stimulating elements to increase the possibility of searching for content. Videos are produced by referring to fully verified exercise programs. Everyone is different, and there are no health or fitness solutions. For example, the push-ups, crunches, lunges, squats, sit-ups, leg-rises, etc. that are included in the video are very informative exercises that have traditionally been performed, but some people are injured by these movements. Our team is not a medical professional, and your health and safety are the most important. When copying our videos, please be careful to exercise in a safe environment, and we highly recommend that you seek advice from health and fitness professionals on exercise form and diet.
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Be the best version of you! 💪🏽😉 안녕하세요. 소미핏 채널은 쉽고 재미있게 운동하는 건강 피트니스 채널입니다. 홈트레이닝, 스트레칭, 요가, 필라테스, 체형교정, 식단 등 질높고 건강하고 행복한삶을 위한 모든것을 공유합니다 :) Hello. Somifit channel is a health and fitness channel that makes exercising easy and fun. Home training, stretching, yoga, Pilates, body shape correction, fitness, diet, etc. We share everything for a high-quality, healthy and happy life :) Thanks xoxo 비즈니스문의:
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Hello and welcome to the Sunny Funny Fitness Channel! I am Sunny, a zin member living in Korea. I majored in Dance Sport and I teach Dance Sport in college. I also work as a Zumba and Pilates instructor. With my videos, I’d like to offer the pleasure of exercise - and the vitality of life - to those who train at home. Sunny Funny Fitness can help you improve the quality of your life through dance and exercise. Now! If you're ready, why don’t you dance and exercise with us? 안녕하세요. Sunny Funny Fitness의 Sunny(써니) 입니다. 줌바, 필라테스, 스트레칭, 댄스스포츠를 가르치고 있는 현직 강사입니다. 집에서도 충분히 즐겁게 운동할 수 있다는 점을 알려드리고자 채널을 운영하게 되었습니다. 댄스다이어트, 근력운동, 스트레칭, 필라테스 이 모든 것을 시청하시면서 따라하실 수 있는 고품격의 채널이 되고자 노력하겠습니다. #Dance_Diet #Zumba #Latin_Dance #Jazz_dance #Circuit_Training #Pilates #Dance_Workout #Fitness #Home_training #Movement #Diet #홈트레이닝 #다이어트 #홈트 #줌바 #댄스 #다이어트댄스 #서킷트레이닝 #스트레칭 #필라테스 # 라틴댄스 #재즈댄스