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Mallikarjun Karajgimath is a passionate individual who has dedicated his efforts towards making a positive impact in society. As the founder of the Mansakshi Foundation, he strives to bring about meaningful change and uplift the lives of those in need. Mallikarjun's journey began with his YouTube channel, aptly named "Mallikarjun Karajgimath." Through this platform, he aims to spread awareness, inspire, and educate his viewers on various topics ranging from personal development to social issues. With his engaging content, Mallikarjun seeks to empower individuals, encouraging them to unlock their full potential and become agents of change in their own lives and communities. Mallikarjun Karajgimath and the Mansakshi Foundation firmly believe in the power of collective action. By engaging with Mallikarjun's YouTube channel and supporting the Mansakshi Foundation, individuals can be a part of a greater movement to create a more inclusive and equitable society. contact 9844559071
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Also known as Nations in Praise - an Iranian Christian Worship and Praise organization dedicated to train worship leaders and provide worship CDs and music and song for all. Visit us at مؤسسه مستقل و غیر انتفاعی مسیحی - هدف ما تربیت خادمین و تجهیز کلیساها و گروههای خانگی و تشویق مسیحیان به پرستش است www.پرستش.com
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Zanan TV is an independent, alternative, online TV channel. We want to be the tribune for women and youth activists who are marginalised. We do our best to amplify their voices by exploring and promoting their perspectives through our camera’s lens, and empowering them through training in media production and activism. Many of ZananTV’s original productions are created by Iranian activists from Iran’s civil society movements, especially the women’s movement. We were created to empower and provide an alternative virtual space for civil society activists who use media to promote humanitarian, women’s empowerment, and pro-democracy causes. Zanan TV collaborates with a network of creative activists around the world. Our production studios are based in London.
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oh hai, we are SimplyMadStudios! Leader: zZMireiyuZz Co- Leaders: SoraHopes (Design) Palomany Members: coolwaterbender16 CaZyBuNnY CXShadowHawk FashionLolita95 Hikarukiu2 JKLxKaraj Jubeeiy Lorillei taniichan TwinkleIdol we don't accept new members at the moment. you can find all our MEPs that are blocked in some countries here:
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Welcome! La Vie en Rose. I was raised to bohemian parents in the country side of Iran until the revolution there occurred. I went suddenly from a childhood nurtured on imagination and nature to life as a refugee. As one assimilating to a new life, I sought solace in old films, fashion and books which led me to work as an actress in TV, film and theater. After having my first daughter in my early twenties I was diagnosed with an auto immune condition. This diagnosis, and yearning for a healthy planet for my daughter, propelled me on a path as a naturalist and activist. The Local Rose was born out of a desire to celebrate a holistic, healthy, authentic life style without sacrificing taste and glamour. My two daughters and I now live in the Santa Monica Mountains where we raise most of our own produce, nestled by a creek with our cat, rabbits, and chickens. To see more from The Local Rose, visit my blog: -Shiva Rose
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🎓 L’Académie de Géopolitique de Paris (AGP), Établissement privé d’enseignement supérieur déclaré auprès du rectorat de Paris régi par la loi (Art. L.731-2, L.731-3 et L.731-4 du code de l’Éducation), et conformément à l’article L 613-1, elle est habilité à décerner les diplômes d’enseignement suivants : le Diplôme de 3ème cycle en Études Géopolitiques et Géostratégiques ainsi que le Diplôme académique supérieur en Études Géopolitiques et Géostratégiques (Ph.D). Spécialiste de l’Iran et des questions stratégiques et énergétiques au Moyen-Orient, Dr Ali Rastbeen est le Président de l’Académie de Géopolitique de Paris. Il est aussi le Directeur des publications de l’Académie de Géopolitique de Paris - AGP, et enfin le Directeur de la revue Géostratégiques de l’IIES. Pour en savoir plus 👉🏻