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Die ASG ist dein Partner für qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildungen in den Bereichen Fitness, Gesundheit und Ernährung. Auf unserem Kanal findest du alle wichtigen Infos für deine Karriere als Fitnesstrainer, als Personal Trainer, als Ernährungsberater – oder vielleicht steckt ja ein Yoga Trainer oder ein Massage-Profi in dir? Finde es mit uns heraus: Du kannst uns an über 30 Standorten in ganz Deutschland live erleben und kennenlernen. Mit ca. 1.000 Ausbildungen pro Jahr im Präsenzunterricht und weiteren Lehrgängen im Fernstudium sind wir dein kompetenter Ansprechpartner für Fragen wie: Wie kann ich mich selbstständig machen als Fitnesstrainer? Wie viel verdient ein Ernährungsberater? Welche Lizenz brauche ich für Functional Training oder PMR-Kurse? Obendrauf gibt’s jede Menge Know-how rund um den Muskelaufbau, Tipps für eine gesunde Ernährung und zahlreiche How-to-Videos zu Fitnessübungen. Abonniere unseren Kanal, wenn du deine Leidenschaft zum Beruf machen willst!
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Welcome to our channel! If you're a fan of all things fitness, you've come to the right place. We bring you the best in gym fails, hilarious videos, and strongman competitions. From laughing at the most outrageous blunders at the gym to being amazed by the strength and determination of top athletes, there's something for everyone on our channel. Subscribe now and join us on this journey of all things fitness-related. Get ready to laugh, be inspired, and be entertained! so if you are interested in one of these topics make sure to subscribe and watch our videos and thank you! have a nice day.
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Hi, I’m Peter Dworak a Fitness-YouTuber from Munich, Germany. My channel includes videos for power sport athletes, outdoor sportsmen and fitness enthusiasts. In short video clips I show workouts without the use of weights. These bodyweight exercises (pull ups, pushups, squats) can all be done at home, at the gym or outdoors. Do you presently train in a fitness or health club? No problem... I will show you barbell workouts, dumbbell exercises and training exercises you can use on gym machines. My fitness videos include special strength training programs for runners, swimmers, cyclists, etc. . I test fitness gadgets and demonstrate a variety of homemade gym equipment for use in muscle workout training. My vlogs are about healthy nutrition, recipes and natural vitamin, mineral and protein (amino acids) supplements.
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EGYM is a global fitness technology leader providing fitness and health facilities with intelligent workout solutions. EGYM makes exercising smarter and more efficient with its comprehensive suite of connected gym equipment and digital products that integrate seamlessly with 3rd-party hard- and software. EGYM enables gym owners and operators to leverage a fitness technology ecosystem that delivers a fully connected workout experience for exercisers and drives measurable business and health outcomes on and off the fitness floor.
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لطيف غرير Coach Latif مدرب اونلاين لطيف غرير الحاصل ع شهاد تدريبية من معهد academy of sports C,B في المانيا معا خطوة بخطوة للوصول لجسم الاحللام اطلب البرنامج التغذية الاسرع والصحي تنزيل الوزن ➡️ زيادة الوزن ➡️ بناء العضلات ➡️ تخلص من خمول الغدة الدرقية ➡️ علاج فقر الدم ➡️ بعد الحمل والولادة ➡️ علاج القذف عند الرجال ➡️ اشترك الان من موقعنا الرسمي من هنا ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Instagram: @coach.Latif Tiktok LatifGhrir Facebook coach.Latif
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Youtube Kanal von Sportschule Best Gym Bergisch Gladbach Raum Köln- Kampfsport für Fitness und viel mehr: Boxen, Kick- Thaiboxen, Muay Thai und MMA sowie auch Personal Training. Auch andere Kampfsport und Fitness Kurse finden in Best Gym statt: Kinder Kickboxen und Selbstverteidigung, Frauen Kickboxen, Boxen- Fitness, Fitness- Workout. Mehr Information finden Sie auf unserer Hompage: Hier präsentieren wir unsere Trainings- und Wettkampfsvideos sowie auch andere Videos welche für Euch interessant sein könnten. Folgen Sie uns auch auf Facebook: facebook/Best Gym Bergisch Gladbach
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♡ Welcome to my channel! ♡ Let's stay fit together. I am very happy to be your training buddy. I am a licensed trainer and have personally coached over 500 people. Now I don't just want to encourage a small group of people to do something for themselves, but the whole world through my social media channels. Here you will find efficient workouts that are suitable for beginners and advanced users. A lot of strength training with your own body weight and with weights. Because I love strength. :) And of course HIIT training. Make sure you subscribe + turn notifications on so you never miss a strong workout with me.♡
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Welcome to our YouTube channel -- I'm excited to share our newest, cutting-edge research with you! My name is Matthias Niessner and I am a Professor at the Technical University of Munich where I am heading the Visual Computing Lab! I am also a co-founder of synthesia, a brand-new startup working on cutting-edge AI tech for visual effects and movie dubbing. Previously, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor with the MPC-VCC in Pat Hanrahan's group at Stanford University; I received my PhD from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg under supervision of Guenther Greiner. More information can be found on our group website:
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Doola's Fitness Guide will help you build a balanced, healthy and satisfying lifestyle without cravings. We will provide videos on exercise tips and tricks and nutrition hacks that will help you create your own personalized workout and diet plan. Tune in for motivational videos on fitness and nutrition that will improve your shape into a pain-free; slimmer, leaner, bulkier or more shredded physique with effective, safe and full-length workout techniques videos that will be appropriate for all levels. What We Provide? Unlimited From- Beginner-To-Professional Playlists For: * Full muscle group exercises - Short videos featuring angle exercises - Upper and lower splits - Tabata - German volume exercises. * Weight lifting - CrossFit - Yoga. (Performed by experts) * Flexible - Keto - PSMF - Carb Cycling - Atkins - Paleo - Standard American - Carnivore diet. * On-Budget shopping hauls reviewing different products and supplements. * Essential Gear. * Weekly healthy recipe for each diet.